Are there home health services near me?

Looking for home care professionals in your community? Nova Home Care provides in-home care services for people in need throughout Indiana, Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, and Connecticut. If you are a resident in any of these five states, we can help you find the perfect caregiver for you or support the employment of your family caregiver.

We provide services in the 16 Area Agencies for Aging in Indiana

  • AREA 1: Northwest Indiana Community Action Corporation
  • AREA 2: REAL Services, Inc.
  • AREA 3: Aging and In-Home Services of Northeast Indiana, Inc.
  • AREA 4: Area IV Agency on Aging & Community Action Programs, Inc.
  • AREA 5: Area Five Agency on Aging & Community Services, Inc.
  • AREA 6: LifeStream Services, Inc.
  • AREA 7: Agency on Aging and Disabled West Central Indiana Economic Development District, Inc.
  • AREA 8: CICOA Aging and In-Home Solutions
  • AREA 9: In-Home & Community Service Agency
  • AREA 10: Agency on Aging
  • AREA 11: Thrive Alliance
  • AREA 12: LifeTime Resources, Inc.
  • AREA 13: Generations Vincennes University Statewide Services
  • AREA 14: LifeSpan Resources, Inc.
  • AREA 15: Hoosier Uplands / Agency on Aging and Disability Services
  • AREA 16: SWIRCA & More